Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Art on Maui- Cabinet of Curiosities

Our friend's, Paia Tattoo Parlor, have another great art show lined up for us.
Cabinet of Curiosities by Maui artist Ghalib El-Klalidi

Saturday, August 28, 2010

DJ AM Anniversary

It's truly hard to believe it's been a year since DJ AM passed. He's still very much alive in alot of hearts, though. He still pops up on our suggested follows on twitter. We know you're rocking a club in heaven right now. Rest In Peace, Adam "DJ AM" Goldstein.

Ian Walsh Menehune Mayhem Recap

Ian Walsh Menehune Mayhem Recap

I realize this is a little out of the norm for our blog. Let me preface it by saying Ian Walsh is an amazingly talented, local bred surfer. He and I were great friends when we were little, and he was just starting to pick up sponsors. He's now gotten to the point where he hosts is own contest for kids. He's a local surf success story. And I'm glad to say he's as nice of a guy now as he was in the 6th grade. Also, big ups to The Throwdowns, a local band doing big things, for the background music.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

How To Dance

If you follow me on twitter (@ReqB) then you've read my late night musings on drunken bar folks. With new phone in hand, I decided to start my own video series of dance instructions. Last night blessed me with two instructionals:
How to dance to A Tribe Called Quest-

How to dance to Prince-

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Chromeo Can Do (Well) With Daryl Hall

Apparently Daryl Hall (of Hall & Oates, for the whipper snappers) had a web show called Live From Daryl's House. Apparently he once had Chromeo as a guest. Check them out discussing how "No Can Do" was first recorded. If you don't really care, and would rather just see the (ill) performance, skip to the 3:46 mark.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Cee-Lo Green Single: Fuck You

Cee-Lo Green- F**k You

Heard rumors this is not the completed video and there should be one out by next week. But, for now, enjoy.

Go Topless Day

Boy, how time flies! Hard to believe Go Topless Day (August 23rd)is just days away. Who, might you ask, is to thank for this holiday? The Raeliens, of course. Raëlism is like Scientology, except crazy(ier?. To each their own. BOOBS FOR EVERYONE!

cue European lady talking about American rights-

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fat Beats Closes

Photo by SteelBorn
The news of Fat Beats closing hits pretty close to home. We are record store employees and junkies. We love this life. Slightly unnerving to see that big of a company fold its locations. I'll never forget my first trip to Fat Beats NY. I was intimidated and overwhelmed. I copped a Beasties' LP.
Fat Beats, you will be missed.
Bahay Boys


Los Angeles Times: Fat Beats to close its remaining Los Angeles and New York locations
For hip-hop heads of legal drinking age, the name Fat Beats inevitably conjures memories of teenage years spent trawling through racks of vinyl, in-store appearances with the latest underground stars (during a period when "underground" didn't require scare quotes) and encyclopedic employees often pulled from the top ranks of the Los Angeles DJ scene.

And now, the iconic hip-hop retailer will close its last two remaining brick-and-mortar locations in New York and Los Angeles -- another apparent casualty to ever-dwindling record sales and interest in vinyl among hip-hop consumers. The closures reflect the final act of contraction for a chain that had previous shuttered its locations in Amsterdam, Atlanta, Tokyo.
Read the full article on LAtimes.com

Japan Is Awesome: Reason # 3,274

We'd all watch a bit more baseball if this were the norm.

P- Rod x Nas x Nike SB

Paul Rodriguez drops his fourth P-Rod Nike SB, gets flown to New York for a street skate session and gets Nas to do some spoken word for his new commercial. I hate this guy's life!

M.I.A.- XXXO Official Video

Yay, a new video from MIA that won't give you nightmares!

Brooklyn Museum: Shout (Out) Brooklyn

Brooklyn Museum is looking to feature a film for October's Target First Friday. There are three contending films. Just go to BrooklynMuseum.org to watch all the trailers and vote for your favorite.
Here's our favorite: Friends We Love-
Created by filmmaker Mike Vargas and multimedia artist Moni Pineda, Friends We Love profiles artists and their creative processes, inspirations, and passions. This film screening will be a collection of short documentaries by Friends We Love artists.

Ellis Gallagher aka © Ellis G., Visual Artist :: Artist Profile from friendswelove.com on Vimeo.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Maluca - China Food Mixtape FREE

"Continuing with our weekly mixtape giveaways we present you with Maluca - "China Food", mixed by me. This is the brain child of Maluca for us to create a biographical trilogy (Past, Present and Future), if you will, of her musical influences and own music. First starting with where Maluca is coming from, early influences ( Playero Music ) and early songs (Big Bad Bangs), next, we move on to where she's at, current influences ( Mambo de Calle, Gaga Music ), current songs ( Jungle Violento, Flourescent Beige ) and finally where she's going influences ( Dutch House, Vogue/Ballroom House ), songs ( Loca, Hector ). With original production from amazing producers Oliver Twizt, Mumdance, Ruckazoid, Kevin Seaton, Marcus Price and one wack one, Me. I'm pretty positive what you're about to hear, new song or old will be 99percent new to your ears. So where Maluca goes from here I don't know, but what i do know is that shes so talented, beautiful and crazy that I'll be watching and listening closely the whole way."
via Mad Decent
Download: Maluca- China Food Mixtape

One Kine Day Trailer

One Kine Day Trailer from AlohaServedDaily on Vimeo.

Exclusive first look at Chuck Mitsui's upcoming film, 'One Kine Day', locally produced and directed; shot on location in Hawai'i. Brought to you by FITTED

Mos Def Live In Maui

Last Saturday Mos Def played a show in Maui, at the Maui Theatre. My very good friend, Lia Krieg (@SocialLia) brought me in as the theater's photographer for the night (I love you for that, Lia!). Aside from one lens failing on me, the night was amazing.
Check out my full set HERE!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Wailuku Heights Blaze

Photo by Brendan M Smith
Friday moring, at midnight, two of the Bahay Boys' bahays came a block away from being lost forever in a blaze. The fire engulfed a field in Maui's Wailuku Heights area. Although no house were lost, the fire came within 50 feet of some homes.
To see the fire in all it's glory and the aftermath click here for my full photo set.

Wale - More About Nothing Mixtape

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I'm Tuuuurfin in the Rain

Dancers are No Noize (red jacket), Man (back jacket), BJ (striped shirt), Dreal (white shirt).

Directed and edited by Yoram Savion
YAK Films

Monday, August 2, 2010

My Visit To Work In(g) Studio

My brand new camera, a Canon T2i, shoots video. I took my first crack at shooting and editing a film while at the Paia Tattoo Parlor for Paul Mullowney's Work In(g) Studio project. I'll repeat- This was my first attempt at video, so please forgive the flaws.
If slow and steady is more your thing view my photoset instead.

Paul Mullowney at Paia Tattoo Parlor from Brendan M Smith on Vimeo.

guess whos bizzack